There are valuable lessons in life and none more valuable that than knowing about you women’s sexuality and learning how to make her orgasm. The female orgasm is a classic example of being good in theory – even awe-inspiring – but actually fickle and elusive in real life. Consider for a moment how concerned you are about lasting longer in bed and hitting your sexual peak; you should also have the same level of concern for your partner and her sexual needs, starting with her need to climax and also orgasm. These three things can help you change your sex life overnight, literally.
1. The Proverbial G-Spot Improves the Likelihood of Orgasm
It’s not just an old wives’ tale. The G-spot is real and its important, and once discovered will quickly increase your female partner’s chances of having an orgasm. The “G” here refers to German gynecologist Ernst Grafenberg, credited for discovering the spot in the 1950s. Since then, the G-spot is believed to contain a hundreds of nerve endings that are key for achieving longer and stronger orgasms.
No matter how sold many sex experts are about the G-spot, it’s still a subject of controversy. English researchers recently refuted its existence. Plenty of sex educators, however, continue to support the G-spot and encourage women to find theirs.
As a man, what you should know is that the location of G-spot differs in women, although it is most likely found inside the vagina and maintains a “rougher” texture. We suggest you embark on a quest to find her G treasure.
Her Self-Esteem Counts!
According to research, how she feels about her genitals can be associated with the quality – and even occurrence – of her orgasms. This means that by increasing her confidence, you can increase her orgasm potential as well. It’s important to maintain a positive aura and body image to create a strong feeling of contentment and pride whenever she is naked. Her body is beautiful and you need to make sure she knows that.
For Many Women Out There, It Simply Takes a While
It typically takes longer for females to climax than their male partners. While this is normal, there are women who become so self-conscious about taking too long to climax that they fake orgasms and go without to avoid embarrassment.
One solution: take her off the clock. Comfort her and tell her she’s got all night to enjoy sexual pleasure, with or without the promise of an orgasm. Scientifically speaking, it can take 15 to 40 minutes for her to fully climax so why let pressure and worry build up? Just enjoy each other and don’t rush the event.
If you find yourself often reaching orgasm before she does, take active steps to slow down. Do mental exercises, think of non-sexual thoughts, or seek natural male enhancement. Haunted by premature ejaculation? You might need to see a doctor to find the best way to prevent premature ejaculation.