Sex is not just about doing the act and going through the motions. It entails a great deal of seduction, effective communication, and that confident attitude that will set off a wild ride for you and your lady love.
But note that constantly improving your sex life and performance is no rocket science. Here are 10 simple, highly doable tips and techniques that you can try – you might just bag the Lover of the Year award soon!
Invest in foreplay. If you want a big, explosive orgasm, indulge in foreplay. This includes touching, stroking, licking, and sucking various parts of your partner’s body, including her thighs, feet, and sensitive corners. Give her a great teaser by gently licking her vagina and clitoris – it will turn her into wildfire.
Relax your lady to get her in the mood. While men often easily get excited, women are more likely to get in the mood for lovemaking when they are relaxed. In the shower, for instance, try massaging her scalp to relax her prior to sex.
Compliment her! It’s not just about feeling relaxed, but also about being wanted lustily. Compliment your partner’s body – it will drive her wild all night and you’ll be at the receiving end of her high libido. Don’t forget to ask her about what she wants, and accommodate her rules and desires.
Try early morning sex. We get it: life happens, there’s work to do, and you often end up very tired at the night. Why not do the steamy action in the morning, when you have a surge of testosterone? Your blood levels of this hormone are highest before dawn, and are about 40 percent higher than at nighttime.
Introduce variety. We recommend switching things up a bit. Add a little variety to the routine, such as planning new sexual positions or using kinky toys, lingerie, and edibles. Creativity goes a long way where sex is concerned!
Harness technology. While still at the office, use your mobile phone or email and send her sexy, naughty messages. This will lead to a buildup in want and lust, and you won’t forget what will be in store during the actual performance.
Get ‘butt-ready’. The buttocks are the most admired part of your body by women, according to recent surveys. So what to do but groom your butt for success? Keep the area clean, and integrate glute-enhancing exercises in your exercise routine.
Take good care of your power drill. Self-care goes a long way. Take care of your penis and prevent penile injury every time (for example, it is usually sustained when your partner is on top or when your penis buckles from missed penetration). See a urologist immediately for anything feeling or abnormal in that region. Of course, practice optimal penile hygiene.
Work out as a couple. Exercise does great wonders for your sex life, including enhancing your stamina and endurance. Work out together for better results – this will up your endorphins and libidos and make for a great bonding activity at the same time.